No. Sessions: 6
No. Hours: 6
Classroom Program
Seaquaria in your Classroom comes in a multi-series program, the Salish Sea Safari, and in short form programs that run between 1.5 to 2 hours. We offer our short form programs in the classroom, virtually, and on field trips.
Each program can accommodate 1 class with up to 30 students.
Use the links below to book or email us at
Please note, only ONE discount can be applied per program at one time.
No. Sessions: 6
No. Hours: 6
Classroom Program
Each session includes a brief interactive presentation on each phylum, as well as hands-on activities with our animal ambassadors. Each activity reinforces the lesson from that session while also getting them excited about what they'll learn next week!
Please note, the Salish Sea Safari is in place of our Seaquaria in Schools program, which is on hiatus for 2024-2025.
Discounted Seaquaria in Schools cost: $400 + GST
No. Sessions: 1
No. Hours: 1.5
Field Trip to the Gorge Waterway Nature House
No. Sessions: 1
No. Hours: 1-1.5
Classroom Program
No. Sessions: 1
No. Hours: 2
Field Trip to the Beach
Tide dependent
No. Sessions: 1
No. Hours: 2
Field Trip to the Beach
Tide dependent
No. Sessions: 3
No. Hours: 4
Two Classroom Sessions and a Field Trip to the Beach