Your Sponsorship Will Help Fund A. . .

Sponsors who support Seaquaria become directly involved in connecting youths to their natural environment.

Salish Sea Ecosystem

Sponsorship provides a multi-disciplinary tool that promotes sustainable and interactive marine education that leaves a lasting impact on students and teachers. Thank you for bringing the ocean into schools!

Community Program

Sponsorship makes school-wide ocean programming possible! A full day or multi- day event, our team delivers engaging hands-on education for the entire school community.

Beach Program

Sponsorship facilitates field trips for students to explore their local beaches. Seaquaria led field trips are focused on place-based learning to build confidence in students’ knowledge of their home.

In-Class Program

Sponsorship help develop critical thinking skills in students by facilitating in-class programs. Students directly engage with local marine invertebrates and form questions about the animal’s life. 

Sponsorship Rewards

Seaquaria Ocean Education would love to work with your company to determine the best way your sponsorship can benefit our programs and your business. Volunteer opportunities for staff, advertising, and program development are all sponsorship rewards we would love to discuss with you.If you are interested in sponsoring Seaquaria Ocean Education, please contact us at

Our Sponsors
